
Oct 2022-


It’s time to do more of what I like, and I’m starting as a freelancer/consultant in the tech product and operations space. My first gig was joining Women in Tech Sweden, working on all parts of the initiative, focusing on process and online presence.

Board member

In May 2020 King decided to donate the game development software Defold to a foundation in order for it to evolve as an open source project. As prior director for Defold I wanted to be part of its continued development and have been involved I the direction of the foundation since its start.


May 2020-


Jan 2021 - Sep 2022

Product Area lead Developer Experience

I lead a team of five product managers, from associate product managers to senior product managers. Together we were responsible for the domain of client developer experience, which includes the local dev environment, build pipelines, PR workflow, test automation as well as how to best onboard and support client developers. My responsibilities were to make sure we had a product strategy within each area, find synergies where applicable and enable the teams to achieve their goals.

I joined the Client Platform unit during a re-org so I focused my first year on building up the product group within my area, defining the products and joint strategy as well as making sure to create a sense of belonging within the product discipline including Insights and Design. Beginning 2021 the teams were involved in a  large tech migration, projected to last at least through 2022, so I looked at how we could change our environment to have a more cohesive offering for our users and focus our current strategies on how to level up our product.

During 2022, I focused on the strategy for two underserved areas; developer success and dev ops for non/mobile platforms, as well as the overall staffing strategies for 2023.


Nov 2015 - Dec 2020

Producer Director Candy Crush Saga

As King decided to end investment into the Defold game engine, I decided to join the Candy Crush Saga team in the role of Producer Director. I chose this role in order to develop my leadership and people management skills. Joining at the start of a major re-organisation during the COVID-19 pandemic my main focus has been to support my line during a difficult transition period and working on re-building team unity.

Director of Engineering Defold

Promoted to Director for Defold in May 2018, I became responsible for a department delivering  game development tools. The Defold team functions like a startup within King as we provide a tech product and not a game. This means that apart from planning for the tech development, I also plan for how we market ourselves and grow externally. 

As Director of engineering my primary responsibility is to provide King leadership with our strategy for growth and create a team organisation that thrives. For me that signifies providing analysis and data together with solutions to the challenges we face, both when it comes to people and product.

Product owner Defold

Having been project lead for the Defold web services as a consultant starting in November 2015, I was offered the position as Product Owner for the game engine and editor. 

The interesting challenge was to balance the product roadmap to satisfy both the needs of game teams at King but also provide a great tool for indie developers. I believe in having a constructive dialogue with my stakeholders to understand the problem they are facing and take that back to the team so that they can develop the best solution from a technical and user perspective.

I led the recruitment process for the entire Defold team and also took the responsibility for team activities. I’m proud to say that my team’s results from corporate wide engagement surveys were at the top of team satisfaction, well above benchmark and other teams at King.

Part of working at King is also holding and organising presentations during our yearly internal conference. For the three years I’ve been at King I’ve both organised our team’s contribution but also held presentations.

Rebel & Bird

Jan 2015 - Jul 2016

Consultant Digital strategy

At Rebel & Bird, I acted as product owner in four different projects with the goal to develop new and improve existing digital solutions for both B2C and B2B businesses.

For Spotify I worked on the concept for a digital solution tailored to a partnership with a large retail company. The business need was to find new distribution channels as well as an improved digital experience for both trademarks.

Following my time at Spotify, I helped PwC develop a concept for their seminar business. They needed both a digital solution for marketing their seminars as well as a solution for calculating the value of these seminars. The digital solution and process developed generated a 100% increase in attendees and set the ground for following up additional customer business.

I also worked with Episerver and helped them set the strategy for their website in order to increase awareness on the north American market.

Starting November 2015, I started at King and work as project lead for the web in preparation for the public launch in March 2016.

In addition to consulting, I spoke at Webbdagarna and Digital CMO, talking about  conversion and heat maps.


Aug 2011 - Sep 2014

Product manager app backend

As product manager I was part of the Mag + product management team, focusing on the area of ​​web and mobile applications. My primary tasks were to make sure that the product was developed to meet the market requirements and that my team had everything it needed to do a successful job.

I participated in or led projects relating to the development of new products and services. Also I led all implementations of internal systems (CRM, online payment). 

With my background in Business Intelligence, I provided the management team with relevant KPIs and participated in all marketing projects in an advisory role. My knowledge of SQL and Excel made me the go to person in regards to extracting relevant customer and product data for marketing activities, sales reporting and invoicing.

I also collaborated very closely with the Support and Sales team to ensure that the correct product knowledge was transmitted within the organisation and to Mag+ customers .

Support & community manager

When I was hired, the support process consisted of an email address and a pdf describing the product functionality. The support team consisted of a junior employee and a consultant. During 18 months, I worked to implement and manage a customer service software for handling tickets,  product documentation and user forums. The new support process enabled Mag + to go from dealing with inquiries from 100 new customers per week to 500 new clients a week, without increasing staffing. In addition to setting up the knowledge base structure I also generated a big part of the searchable product documentation.

Earlier Carrer

Jan 1999 - Jul 2011

Profitability analysis consultant and more

If you are curious about the first half of my career, have a look at my full CV. To summarize it lay the ground for my analytical mindset, and understanding of business economics and BI.